Right Way To Paint Your Popcorn Ceilings

Instructions to Paint a Popcorn Ceiling: Picking the Right Color and Finish

While exploring “how to paint a popcorn ceiling,” the most interesting decision may be choosing the color and finish. A great many people pick a matte or level paint sheen for ceilings. We suggest silk, eggshell, or semi-sparkle paints assuming that you want more dampness assurance.

Recall that more splendid tones assist the space with feeling greater. Some suggest a grayish or dim finish, however, don’t feel hesitant to pick radiant white. Stay away from dull colors in little rooms that don’t get a lot of regular light.

How Would You Repaint a Popcorn Ceiling to Refresh an Old Coat

If you’ve previously painted your popcorn ceiling before, you knew all about picking the right paint and colors. While reviving the coat, you can either stay with your ongoing color or pick a new thing.

To cover up old stains, you don’t have to pick a dim shade. All things considered, we prescribe utilizing an oil-based groundwork to conceal discoloration.

On the off chance that you search online for “how to paint popcorn ceilings,” you’ll probably see two fundamental techniques:

Spraying: With an airless sprayer or spray weapon, you can apply even, thick coats of paint to your ceiling rapidly. This technique offers the most professional outcomes and the least open chances.
Rolling: With legitimate readiness, you can accomplish a magnificent finish utilizing a paint roller. Sprayers are normally superfluous for little, one-room projects. A roller takes additional time yet offers an effective method for refreshing your ceiling paint for homeowners on a careful spending plan.

Cover Popcorn Ceilings

Homeowners normally cover popcorn ceilings with one of the accompanying materials:

Drywall: A great many people will require a professional to introduce drywall. Drywall offers a level, clean finish that you can paint any color you like. Painting drywall is speedier than painting a popcorn surface and once in a while just requires one coat.
Wood planks: For a more rural appearance, you can introduce wood boards over the popcorn ceiling. Wood planks require professional establishment, however, you most likely won’t have to paint over them.
If you decide to cover your ceiling, consider choosing a material that matches your walls. Assuming you as of now have wood board walls, you can stretch out a similar style to your ceiling.

Safety Contemplations for How to Paint Popcorn Ceilings

Remember to rehearse safety precautionary measures for all home redesign projects. Painting a popcorn ceiling can endanger you for falls, power, and openness to unsafe materials.

We suggest utilizing the safety tips underneath:

Test all materials for asbestos and lead: On the off chance that you don’t upset the popcorn ceiling, you will not be in danger of openness. Assume you intend to change the ceiling or are concerned that you may unintentionally take in particles while working. All things considered, you ought to call a certified asbestos expert to test your materials or buy an at-home pack.

Continuously have somebody hold your stepping stool: Keep your stepping stool secure while you work. Never stand on the top crosspiece of the stepping stool. Utilize an expansion post however much as could reasonably be expected rather than a stepping stool to decrease the gamble of falling.

Wear goggles and a residue veil: Safeguard your eyes, nose, and mouth consistently. Regardless of whether your home has asbestos or lead, you would rather not take in concrete particles or residue.

Pass on any electrical work to professionals: Assuming that you should turn off and yet again introduce light apparatuses to finish your venture, consider employing an electrical technician. Managing open wires increments electric shock gambles.
On the off chance that you’re uncertain whether you can finish the task securely, contact Eagle Painting Company for help!

What You’ll Need

Before you paint, ensure your room and effects are safeguarded. Cover your floors, furniture, and regions where the ceiling meets your walls. To do as such, get the accompanying materials at your nearby paint store:

Painter’s tape
Drop materials
Painter’s plastic
You ought to apply paint on spotless and smooth surfaces for ideal outcomes. On the off chance that your ceiling has layers of residue, soil, and stains, you’ll have to eliminate them before painting.

You ought to get cleaning items that satisfy the accompanying necessities:

Dust evacuation: We suggest utilizing a shop vacuum with a brush connection or quill duster to eliminate dust from the ceiling. Any superfluous unpleasant surfaces will make your occupation harder.
Stain evacuation: Utilize an oil-based preliminary to eliminate ceiling discolorations before beginning. Without an oil-based preliminary, most stains will appear through even a second coat of paint.

Now that you’re prepared to paint, you will require the accompanying devices:

Plastic paint
An augmentation shaft
A calculated brush
A paint roller
A roller screen
A 5-gallon can
A 3/4 inch thick rest roller cover
A 9-inch roller outline
A stepping stool
If you decide to spray the ceiling paint, you will require a paint sprayer or airless sprayer rather than the brush, paint roller, and roller cover.


Now that you’ve assembled your materials, now is the right time to begin painting! Follow the means underneath to figure out how to paint popcorn ceilings.

Stage 1: Test the Ceiling for Asbestos

Many homes that worked before the 1980s contain asbestos. We suggest testing your materials before gambling with openness. You can buy an at-home unit to test for asbestos or recruit an expert to visit your home and inspect the ceiling.

Stage 2: Prep the Room

Before you open any paint, you ought to safeguard your resources in general. To begin with, eliminate any furniture from the room. You can leave a few bigger things inside, however, you’ll have to cover them with plastic.

Then, cover the floors and walls in the painter’s all’s plastic. Many individuals neglect to safeguard the walls and end up with stains from the ceiling. We suggest buying 12-foot rolls of plastic to completely cover your walls.

Whenever you’ve prepared the plastic, orchestrate each of your materials on thick drop fabrics. If a spill occurs, this additional layer of security can save you major cerebral pain.

Stage 3: Take a look at the Ceiling for Old Paint Coatings

The more past paint coatings your popcorn ceiling has, the less you ought to need to add. To check for old layers, ascend a stepping stool, spray a couple of water drops on a superficial level, and watch how rapidly the water retains.

If the water retains right away, your ceiling has relatively little paint. If the fluid structures beads, the surface as of now has a respectable shiny coating. Utilize this response to decide the number of coats you that need.

Stage 4: Clean the Surface

Utilize a shop vacuum with a brush connection to eliminate residue and soil from the ceiling’s surface. You can likewise utilize a hand-held duster if you don’t approach a vacuum.

To eliminate stains, this moment’s the opportunity to make final details with the oil-based groundwork. Adhere to the directions on the container and permit it to dry before continuing toward the subsequent stage.

Stage 5: Apply Painter’s Tape

Making a perfect line between your popcorn ceiling paint and walls is testing a direct result of the lopsided surface. For the best outcomes, you can buy the same token:

Utilize a painter’s brush: Delicately cut into the region where your walls meet your ceiling with a two-inch painter’s brush to make an exact line. Do likewise for different regions you’re not painting, similar to managing, light installations, sprinkler frameworks, vents, or alerts.
Apply painter’s tape: On the off chance that you’re worried about your free-hand capacities, utilize painter’s tape to accomplish straight lines. Painter’s tape won’t harm the finish of your walls.

Stage 6: Prepare the Paint

Empty your paint into the huge can and append the roller screen inside. Add your roller casing to the furthest limit of the expansion shaft and append the thick rest roller cover.

At the point when you want more paint, dunk the roller in the can and rub it against the roller screen to eliminate the overabundance of fluid. The roller screen will lessen the wreck and assist you with keeping away from drippage.

Stage 7: Apply the Main Coat

While painting your most memorable coat, pursue a solitary bearing across the whole surface to try not to cover a similar spot two times. For instance, you can begin by brushing the roller north to south. As you get across the ceiling, cross over your strokes, so you miss no regions.

In a perfect world, you need to cover the whole surface without dousing everything. Utilize your roller to fan out the overabundance assuming you notice paint dribbling.

Stage 8: Apply the Subsequent Coat

After the primary coat dries for somewhere around two hours, you can begin the following one. Apply the second coat the other way from the first. Utilizing the last model, you would paint from east to west this time.

Stage 9: Complete the Finishing Contacts

After your subsequent coat dries, you can clean up any slip-ups, smooth over dribbles, and eliminate the painter’s tape. Guarantee that everything is evaporated before cleaning the plastic and coverings.

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